Conquering Shopify URL Redirects: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Conquering Shopify URL Redirects: A Step-by-Step Guide

Conquering the Labyrinth: Mastering Shopify URL Redirects

Why Redirects Matter

In the ever-evolving, intricate world of SEO, URL redirects are no less than a magical tool. Their ability to streamline website navigation, maintain search rankings, and prevent 'page not found' errors makes them a powerful tool in the digital marketing arsenal. Shopify URL redirects, particularly, are a robust mechanism to guide both users and search engines from one URL to another. These deft maneuvers are the digital equivalent of merging two traffic lanes on a superhighway without causing an accident.

Shopify URL Redirects: Your Roadmap To Success

Shopify provides a user-friendly platform for URL redirect creation and this ensures that you never have to face the terrifying "404-page not found" error. One of the exceptional things about Shopify is that it offers automatic redirects whenever you change a page's URL. But sometimes, manually adjusting redirects on Shopify can provide added precision to your marketing efforts.

Step by Step Guide to Creating Redirects

Let's put on our coats and dive into the maze that is Shopify URL redirects. Start by logging into your Shopify admin portal. In the dashboard, go to 'Online Store,' then 'Navigation.' Here, click 'URL Redirects,' then 'Create URL redirect.' Input your 'redirected from' old URL and the 'redirected to' new URL. Click 'Add' and voila! You've just set up your redirect.

Pro Tips for Handling Shopify URL Redirects

A few pro tips before we part ways. Firstly, remember that URL redirects establish a permanent route, therefore it's essential to double-check your URLs. Secondly, make sure you're not inadvertently creating 'redirect loops,' where one URL redirects back to itself, creating a frustrating user experience. Finally, always compost old pages properly instead of just zapping them out of existence, this would ensure you don't lose your SEO juice.

The 1%er Takeaway

Running a successful online store is like conducting a symphony. Every element has a role to play, and if one is out of sync, the entire ensemble can crumble. Shopify URL redirects are just one of the myriad of complex components. Don't let the complexity daunt you though, with the right digital partner, managing these factors becomes a breeze. Sellery Digital, armed with the sharpest digital tools and industry insight, can help you master the nuances of your online store. Don't flounder in the dark trying to handle everything on your own. If you are a growing business, come partner with Sellery Digital. Let us enable you with the right expertise, strategies, and techniques to ensure your growth is not just sustained but exponential. Remember, growth hacking is an art, and Sellery is the Picasso of this realm. Now, who wouldn't want Picasso by their side as they paint their entrepreneurial masterpiece?
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